I'll keep this short because, well, I know you're slammed with preparations for the Big Day. Maybe you've got pies in the oven, turkey brining in the fridge (or already in the smoker)... or you're just scratching your head trying to figure out where everything and everyone is going to fit. I feel ya! Come … Continue reading Drink Local: It’s Another Thanksgiving Sunrise…
Month: November 2014
Feed Local: Putting the “Giving” in Thanksgiving
What are you doing for Thanksgiving? It's the question of the week, right?! We're all asking each other whose house are you going to? and whatcha making? and who's cooking? We're digging up those old family recipes or searching the interwebs for last-minute genius side dishes and turkey hacks. We're pulling out the stretchy pants … Continue reading Feed Local: Putting the “Giving” in Thanksgiving
Eat Local: Comfort Me
FINALLY we've been getting some much-needed rain here in the 650. (Damn, wish I'd remembered to cover the patio furniture before that started!) Unfortunately, for those of us prone to sinus-related misery -- colds, infections, allergies, and the like -- the season's first round of feeling-under-the-weather ick has blown in with the rain. Ugh. Yes, … Continue reading Eat Local: Comfort Me
In Which I Make Grenadine
When I sat down to write today's post, I was contemplating a retrospective of the past year, given that today is 650Food's first birthday (awww, it's gone so fast -- hard to believe it's been a year since that first post). Turns out a lot went on this past year -- from discovering new family-run … Continue reading In Which I Make Grenadine
Eat Local: How ‘Bout Them Melons?
I awoke on Halloween morning to darkened skies and this odd plink-plink-plink sound. I live in an older home, which means the household fix-it list grows daily, and my first thought was "Oh f---. Now what?!" It took a minute of coming to and realizing that it was raining outside, and what I was hearing … Continue reading Eat Local: How ‘Bout Them Melons?
Wild Salmon: Gone, Baby, Gone
A few weeks ago, I posted about the nutritious, flavorful, fresh, wild salmon that has been available in our 650 markets. Sadly, as many good things do, the commercial fishing season for wild salmon has come to an end. Our California king salmon fishing season actually ended a month ago, and we've been seeing fresh, … Continue reading Wild Salmon: Gone, Baby, Gone