Did you happen to catch the film "Just Eat It" on MSNBC last week? The 74-minute documentary, produced and directed by Canadian filmmaking couple Grant Baldwin and Jenny Rustemeyer, examines the topic of food waste from field to table in North America. If you missed it, here's a taste. (For more information about the film … Continue reading Waste-Less Wednesday: Front-End Solutions
Month: April 2015
Recipe: Fresh Ricotta and Preserved Lemon Spread
Are you a kitchen experimenter or adventurous eater? I don't mean in the Andrew Zimmern "Bizarre Foods" kind of way (although if stinky tofu or rat hearts are your thing, rock on; I'll hold off, thanks). No, I'm talking about a willingness to try food combinations or flavors that are just a touch out of … Continue reading Recipe: Fresh Ricotta and Preserved Lemon Spread
Waste-Less Wednesday: The Other Broccoli
Broccoli is a staple in my house. Exciting? No. Reliable? Yes. When I'm too tired or uninspired to cook (yes, it happens sometimes), steamed broccoli is my standby. Seven minutes from refrigerator to table. No kidding. Broccoli is a substantial partner to quick-cooking brown rice or 4-minute soba noodles. Throw in some homemade peanut sauce … Continue reading Waste-Less Wednesday: The Other Broccoli
Eat Local: Redwood City Restaurant Week
I love a good food story, particularly when it comes to the hows and whys of food producers doing what they do. Whether we're talking about small-business foodcrafters, farmers, chefs, or restauranteurs, the "why" often comes down to two things: a love of food and a desire to share what you make or grow with … Continue reading Eat Local: Redwood City Restaurant Week
Waste-Less Wednesday: 5 Easy Waste-Less Tips
Reducing food waste at home is easier than you might think, and doesn't have to involve projects like preserving foods or making soups. (Although these are definitely fun ways to reduce food waste and discover new recipes at the same time!) There are some simple things that you can do every day that will help … Continue reading Waste-Less Wednesday: 5 Easy Waste-Less Tips
I Got Sunshine: DIY Organic Limoncello
Ah, limoncello! That little glass of sunshine on a cloudy day (or a sunny day, or... any day). Limoncello is lemony-sweet boozy goodness that you can enjoy as an apertif, a digestif, or anywhere in between. If you've got some patience, lemons, clear alcohol of at least 80 proof (vodka, for example), and simple syrup, … Continue reading I Got Sunshine: DIY Organic Limoncello
Waste-Less Wednesday: Fava Leaves, Hold the Chianti
Waste-Less Wednesday posts are all about ways to reduce or eliminate food waste, particularly at home. Most of the posts to date have focused on creative ideas for using more of the food that comes into your kitchen, especially fruits and vegetables. We've looked at ways to repurpose carrot greens, enjoy a glut of backyard … Continue reading Waste-Less Wednesday: Fava Leaves, Hold the Chianti
Recipe: Local Salty Dog
Passover starts this evening at sundown, Lent is coming to an end, and Easter is on Sunday. There will be Seders and Second Seders and brunches (oh my!). In short, it's a weekend to hang with your nearest and dearest, enjoy their company and indulge a bit -- or a lot. Whether you want a … Continue reading Recipe: Local Salty Dog