Ever have one of those days when you come home from work, and it's -- ugh -- too hot to cook dinner, and yet, you still want a satisfying, homemade meal? Sometimes you just gotta go with your cravings and make something on the fly! This was exactly what long-time 650 resident and avid gardener, … Continue reading 650 Cooks: Suzanne’s Tomato-Watermelon Salad
Tag: Salad
Field Trip: Celebrating Summer with CUESA
It's summer! Just writing those words brings a smile to my face. (Could you tell that it's my favorite time of year?) How did you mark the official arrival of summer? Did you barbecue at home with the family and neighbors? Take your kids to the park for a picnic? Pass a leisurely afternoon day … Continue reading Field Trip: Celebrating Summer with CUESA
Eat the Brazilian Way
For the past month or so, new dietary guidelines from Brazil have been making food news here in the US. Marion Nestle's blog, Food Politics, lists the ten easy-to-understand guidelines proposed by the Brazilian government. There are no pyramids, no squares, no "this many servings," just common-sense advice for eating well and mindfully. Fresh food, … Continue reading Eat the Brazilian Way
Out of the Box, Part Deux
While I was being all giddy about my first CSA ("farmer's market") box, I was not being a good blogger and photographing what I actually did with the contents. So, this post is more "tell" than "show." I really wanted to go with simple uses of the produce in the box to enjoy the flavors, … Continue reading Out of the Box, Part Deux